Zoo Poo to Biogas Energy; great pootential
Now Producing Clean Renewable Energy For Ontario!
We are making good use of our animal waste by using it to fuel a 500kW biogas facility. As of 2021, the ZooShare biogas facility, built on three hectares of land east of Meadowvale Road, combines Zoo waste and food waste from local grocery retailers and restaurants and converts it into electricity, heat and fertilizer.
The 500kW facility produces the equivalent of a third of the Zoo's electricity demand and provides it to the Ontario hydro grid adding clean renewable energy for all Ontarians. It also helps us to reduce our CO2 emissions by 333 tonnes per year. Using renewable energy sources, such as biogas helps in the fight against climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere.
The plant is owned and operated by ZooShare Biogas Co-operative Inc. a non-profit, non-share capital renewable energy co-operative. The project is the first co-operatively owned biogas plant and the first zoo-based biogas plant of its kind in Canada.
More information about ZooShare, the biogas project at the Toronto Zoo is available at www.zooshare.ca.