LIVE Tours with Extended Learning Resources Below:
🍎 Primary (Grades K-3) – life cycles and other curriculum-related content
Virtual Worksheet
🍎 Junior – habitats, biodiversity, and other curriculum-related content
Virtual Worksheet
🍎 Intermediate/Senior – conservation science, zoo careers, and other curriculum-related content.
Virtual Worksheet
The Blanding's Turtle
June 11 - With Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants.
Plus, extend your learning with these resources:
Adopt-A-Pond website - Blanding’s turtle head-start program
Adopt-A-Pond website - Ontario Turtle Tally
Toronto Zoo Wildlife Conservancy Spring Into Conservation Initiative
Explorons les Grands Lacs (This is a bonus program, and is in french!)
June 10 - With Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants.
Plus, extend your learning with these resources:
Aqua-Links page
Conservation program’s page
World Oceans Day/Canadian Rivers Day
June 9 - With Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants.
Plus, extend your learning with these resources:
Ocean Wise, Seafood Education Kit
Aqua-Links page
Conservation program’s page
Bats Pt 2 - The Echo
June 4 - With Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants.
Plus, extend your learning with these resources:
Bats- Public Online Resources
Grandfather Teachings
May 28 - With Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants
Plus, extend your learning with these resources:
Turtle Island Conservation website
Animals and their sounds
May 26 - With Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants
Plus, extend your learning with these resources:
Test your ability to hear sounds at home
Turtles and their shells
May 21 - With Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants
Plus, extend your learning with these resources:
Turtle Island Conservation website
Adopt-A-Pond website
Evolution of the Turtle Shell Youtube video
Toronto Zoo Wildlife Conservancy Spring Into Conservation Initiative
The Salmon Release
May 19 - With Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants
Plus, extend your learning with these resources:
The Lake Ontario Atlantic Salmon Restoration Program
Bats Part One
May 14 - With Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants
Plus, extend your learning with these resources:
Toronto Zoo Bats: www.torontozoo.com/bats
Neighbourhood Bat Watch Citizen Science Project: www.batwatch.ca
Bat Diaries series: Toronto Zoo YouTube page
Day of Action Against Litter
May 12 - With Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants
Plus, extend your learning with these resources:
Great Lakes Program - Follow Us!
Zoo Crews in African Savanna
May 7 – In our African Savanna with Exploring by the Seat of Your PantsAnimal Life Cycles in Australasia
May 5 – In our Australasia Pavilion with Exploring by the Seat of Your PantsWildlife Health Center "The Hidden Zoo"
April 30 – In our Wildlife Health Center with Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants
Plus, extend your learning with these resources:
Wildlife Health Center
Top Trumps Cards
Animal Camouflage in Americas
April 28 – In our Americas Pavilion with Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants
Plus, extend your learning with these resources:
Animal Camouflage Resources
Animal Relationships
April 23 - Our greater one-horned rhino with Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants.
Plus, extend your learning with these resources:
Animal Relationships
Animal Coverings in Rainforest
April 21 - Our African Rainforest Pavilion with Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants.
Plus, extend your learning with these resources:
Animal Coverings and Classification
Habitats in Indo-Malaya
April 16 - Our Indo-Malaya Pavilion with Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants
Plus, extend your learning with these resources:
Indo-Malaya Habitats
Animal Movement Through Water (in Americas)
April 14 - Our Americas Pavilion with Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants
Plus, extend your learning with these resources:
Water Movement Activities
Diversity of Habitats in the Americas Pavilion
April 9 - Our Americas Pavilion with Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants
Plus, extend your learning with these resources:
Diversity of Habitats in the Americas Pavilion
Carnivore Digestion
Tuesday, April 7 - Our Amur tigers and Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants
Plus, extend your learning with these resources:
Carnivore Digestion Home Resources
How Do Animals Sleep?
Thursday, April 2 - African Rainforest pavilion with Exploring By The Seat of Your Pants
Plus, extend your learning with these resources:
How do Animals Sleep?
Sleeping Styles
Sleep Log
Animal Movement
Tuesday, March 31 - Our Australasia Pavilion with Exploring by the Seat of your Pants
Plus, extend your learning with these resources:
Animal Movement (on the Ground)
Animal Yoga Positions
Seasonal Change
Thursday March 26 - In our Tundra Trek with Exploring By The Seat of Your Pants.
Plus, follow along with these resources:
Seasonal Change Home Resources
Animal Digestion
Tuesday, March 24 - Our Masai Giraffes with Exploring By The Seat of Your Pants.
Plus, extend your learning with these resources:
Animal Digestion Home Resources
Digestion Fun Facts
Digestion Puzzle Pieces
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